Friday, July 4, 2014

Ardchattan Priory and Gardens

It's easy to see why monks would pick this peaceful loch-side setting for the site of a priory.  Tucked into the northern shores of Loch Etive, Ardchattan Priory basks in scenic views and offers tranquil surroundings in which to wander, with beautiful gardens and thirteenth century priory ruins to explore.

Founded in 1230 (originally just a small church with some domestic buildings) and rebuilt in the 15th century, the priory became the property of Archibald Campbell in 1602 and has remained with Clan Campell ever since.  The priory ruins and tomb stones are now in the care of Historic Scotland.

Even the journey to the priory is peaceful, snaking alongside Loch Etive.  (From the Taynuilt direction, take a right when you cross Connel Bridge and follow the quiet road as it hugs the shoreline).  

From the car park you can loop round in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction: clockwise takes you past the wild garden and shrubs before reaching the chapel ruins; anti-clockwise leads you along the Monk's Walk (stunning in spring time with the azaleas and rhododendrons) and through the main garden.  Here you can enjoy beautiful views of Loch Etive (with the private house standing behind you) and take a moment just to appreciate its idyllic setting.  The priory ruins lie on the other side of a grey door in the top right hand corner of the main garden.  

There is a lot to see in a small space - from the chapel ruins to carved stones.  The priory grounds were used as a burial ground until 1906 and the scattered gravestones skull and crossbones on the chapel walls do add a haunting feel to the crumbled ruins.

Whether you want to admire the gardens or take a closer look at the stones and ruins, Ardchattan Priory is an atmospheric, and extremely peaceful, place to visit - and you will most likely be able to enjoy its contemplative silence to yourself.

For more information on the gardens and visiting, take a look at  

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